2022 International Day of Education: IEPA Celebrates the Day with School Children
The Institute for Educational planning and administration (IEPA) has organised an educational forum at the Imam Khomeni School in Amamoma, Cape Coast, as part of activities to celebrate the International day of Education.
A team from IEPA made up of the Director- General and other senior members, spent time to talk to the students on the importance of education focusing on the theme for the celebrations, “Changing Course, Transforming Education”.

The students took turns to ask questions and make contributions on how the the information shared by IEPA has shaped their thinking.
One student commented that, “ I was planning to go learn a trade after JHS but with the knowledge acquired today, I will learn hard and strive to become a doctor in the future”.
The Director-General of IEPA, Dr. Michael Boakye-Yiadom, pointed out that “education plays a major role in development and that the future of Ghana is dependent on having a literate society who are critical thinkers and solution oriented”.
The team from IEPA encouraged the teachers to support learners achieve their optimum potentials. IEPA donated stationery items to every student as a material means of encouraging them to continue to take their studies serious at all times.
UNESCO is committed to lifelong learning and ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education for all. Notably, the International Day of Education is set aside to drive home the commitment of UN member countries when it adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in September 2015 and pledged to recognize the essential role of education for the success of all the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals.
It is important to note that the right to education is enshrined in article 26 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. The declaration calls for free and compulsory elementary education. The Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted in 1989, further goes to stipulate that, countries shall make higher education accessible to all.
IEPA is committed to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) as well as the African Union’s Agenda 2063 and joining other UNESCO Educational Centres to celebrate the “International Day of Education” is one way of demonstrating solidarity for a common purpose.