Prof. Alfred Kweku Ampah-Mensah is the Deputy Director-General, Academic Programmes and Professional Development and a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute for Educational Planning and Administration (IEPA), a UNESCO Category II Centre of Excellence at the University of Cape Coast (UCC), Ghana.
Alfred holds a Doctorate of Philosophy in Education from the University of Bristol, United Kingdom; a Master of Philosophy in Educational Planning from the University of Cape Coast and a Professional Research Master’s degree in Educational Planning and Management from the UNESCO's International Institute for Educational Planning (IIEP), Paris, France
He is also the National Coordinator of the Leadership for Learning (LfL) Ghana programme. Dr. Ampah-Mensah is passionate about anything education, particularly educational planning and leadership issues and is involved in several professional development programmes in education in Ghana, including Edify's leadership programme for supported private schools; British Council's Connecting Classrooms programme; T-TEL's Colleges of Education Leadership programme, the Ministry Of Education's Secondary Education Improvement Programme and the Technical Education Development for Modernised Agriculture in Ghana (TEDMAG) Leadership and Management capacity strengthening programme for Colleges of Agriculture.
Prof. Ampah-Mensah serves on several technical advisory committees on education notably, the Ministry of Education’s Technical Committee on Education Sector Planning, the Ministry of Education’s Education Sector Working Group and the Ghana National Commission for UNESCO’s Education Committee.
Alfred has also served as consultant on various projects for the World Bank, UNESCO, UNICEF, OECD, British Council, Ministry of Education, Ghana Education Service, and the National Inspectorate Board. In 2018, Dr. Ampah-Mensah was invited to be a Guest researcher at the Centre for International Cooperation in Education (CICE), University of Hiroshima, Japan and Japanese International Corporation Agency (JICA) Capacity Development for Education Policy Formulation and Analysis for Learning Improvement.
He is an astute academic who has several publications to his credit. Alfred has also presented several papers in both local and international conferences and review papers for some reputable journals in education.
Prof. Alfred Ampah-Mensah is a distinguished Fellow of Global Ed Leadership and a Fellow of the Centre for Commonwealth Education, Faculty of Education, and University of Cambridge, United Kingdom.
Alfred started his carrier as a mathematics teacher and has taught at all levels of the Ghanaian education system.