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Institute for Educational Planning and Administration (IEPA),
University of Cape Coast,
Cape Coast, Ghana
Office Phone:+233 3321-30571
Prof. Might Kojo Abreh
Associate Professor

Might Kojo Abreh is a Senior Research Fellow in Educational Planning at the Institute for Educational Planning and Administration (IEPA), a UNESCO Category II Centre of Excellence at the University of Cape Coast (UCC), Ghana. His role as a faculty include research, programme design and evaluation, teaching, as well as supervising and assessing dissertations and thesis of post graduate candidates within and without the University of Cape Coast.

In addition to these roles, Might also the position of Head of Grants and Consultancy at IEPA where he is responsible for assessing and improving grant-seeking system and infrastructure and the writing and submission of grants on behalf of the IEPA.

Prior to joining IEPA, Might was a Research Fellow both at the Institute of Education (IoE) and Centre for Educational Research, Evaluation and Development (CERED) both in the University of Cape Coast. He has worked in various capacities for 15 years where he has led in winning, managing and reporting grants, consultancy and technical assistance activities on behalf of the University of Cape Coast. In addition, he is a Visiting Fellow to the Centre for Global Development (CGD) and Supervisor of Doctoral Programme Candidates at the University of South Australia. His experience in research; innovation and development; outreach and community development, has afforded him the expertise and experience that are strategic for the achievement of the teaching and other capacity building efforts he pursues in his role at IEPA.

Might holds a PhD in Educational Planning from the University of Nairobi, MPhil in Educational Planning and a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics Education from the University of Cape Coast. Beyond these qualifications, Kojo has long-standing practical know-how in institutional and individual grants and consultancy portfolio development and management. Might has subsequently acquired important leadership, communication, teaching, research, creative, technical, supportive, organizational and resourceful acumen to effectively and efficiently undertake his roles, particularly within IEPA’s current vision and mission as a UNESCO Category II Institute. Might seeks to bring this background to IEPA in order to attract, retain and grow the Institute’s academic and professional programme design, implementation and review as well as inform policy through research.
Prof. Abreh has participated in numerous research studies, notably among them are those listed in his online links and portals such as on his google scholar account. He is a Reviewer to several top journals and a Guest Editor to SAGE Open. 

PhD (Educ. Planning), University of Nairobi, KENYA. - 2015.
M.Phil. (Educ. Planning), University of Cape Coast, GHANA. - 2010
B.Ed. (Mathematics), University of Cape Coast, GHANA. - 2005
Research Works