Dr. Agbevanu is a Senior Research Fellow and currently teaches graduate courses in educational planning and administration at the Institute for Educational Planning and Administration (IEPA), a UNESCO Category II Centre of Excellence at the University of Cape Coast (UCC), Ghana.
Dr. Agbevanu holds a PhD in Qualitative Research and an MPhil in Educational Planning as well as PGDE in Economics Education from the UCC, Ghana. He also holds a Bachelor of Arts in Economics degree from the University of Ghana, Ghana. Additionally, Dr. Agbevanu holds professional certificates in Statistical Tools and Basic Indicators for Educational Planning from the IIEP/UNESCO, Paris; Ghana Securities Industry from the Ghana Stock Exchange; and Managerial Leadership from the Pan-African Institute, Accra, Ghana. Further, he holds a Diploma in Financial Management from the Institute of Commercial Management, London, United Kingdom.
Dr. Agbevanu is the Editor for the Journal Educational Management (JEM) at IEPA and a part-time lecturer at the College of Distance Education, UCC. Before joining the IEPA, Dr. Agbevanu was a Teacher at the Ghana Education Service (GES), Tema Presby Senior High School, Tema, Ghana (Oct. 2005-Aug. 2008) and the GES, Nifa Secondary School, Adukrom-Akuapem, Ghana (Oct. 1999-Oct. 2005). He joined IEPA in 2010 as a Principal Research Assistant and has risen to become a Research Fellow since 2016.
Outside IEPA’s commitments, Dr. Agbevanu is currently a Research Consultant on the “GES/Girls Education Unit (GEU) and UNICEF Ghana” where he has designed and conducted a study on the empowering adolescent girls, embracing gender equality, advancing girls' completion of lower secondary education in five selected districts in the Northern Regions of Ghana.
Dr. Agbevanu’s is committed to research and does it with so much zeal. He has led major research projects that have provided valuable insights for educational policy, planning and development. Currently, he is a Researcher on the team working on the Centre for Global Development (CGD) commissioned research, “The Educational Impacts of COVID-19: Policy-Relevant Research in Ghana”. He is also the Consulting Assistant on the “UNESCO Ghana funded project on the Development of Costed Comprehensive National Teacher Policy (CNTP) Implementation Plan”. He also worked as a Principal Investigator on the “EQUAL Global Network Research Project on Quality in nonformal education and skills training programmes: Developing tools for measuring learning outcomes in the Central Region of Ghana (2019-2020) and as a Researcher on the British Government/British Council funded research project on the “Transnational education partnerships in Ghanaian higher education institutions”.
Dr. Agbevanu has received honours, schoolships and awards. Some of these are: The Sub-Saharan Africa Research Grant of USD 20,000.00 from the Education Quality and Learning for All (EQUAL) Global Network, New York University, New York, USA (Jan. 2019-Sep. 2020), the PhD Research, Outstanding Research Award from the School of Graduate Studies, UCC, Cape Coast, Ghana (2016) and the PhD Visiting Research Scholar, Commonwealth Split-site Scholarship from the Commonwealth Scholarship Commission and University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom (2011-2013).
As an astute Researcher, Dr. Agbevanu has participated in over thirty (30) conferences and seminars playing key roles as a facilitator, co-facilitator, researcher or participants. He also has over twenty (20) publications, journals and chapters in books to his credit. His most recent publications in 2019-2021 are: "Promoting gender equality in colleges of education in Ghana using a gender-responsive scorecard (pp. 151-175). In E. Sengupta & P. Blessinger (Eds.)., Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning (Vol. 37): International perspectives in social justice programs at the institutional and community levels. Bingley, UK: Emerald Publishing Limited"; "Availability, accessibility and reliability of the Internet to graduate students of the University of Cape Coast. Journal Educational Management, 10(1), 71-88"; “Examining gendered structures, cultures and practices of Ghana’s colleges of education. Tertiary Education Series, 9(1), 26-44. ISSN: 2026-6588"; "Performance appraisal, employee performance and career development: Views of senior administrative staff of the University of Cape Coast. Ghana Journal of Higher Education, 5, 64-77"; "Utilisation of 'IEPA' graduates in sectors of the Ghanaian economy: Insights from a nation-wide tracer study. Journal of Education and Work, 32(1), 85-102".
Dr. Agbevanu is a member in good standing of notable professional bodies such as the Mid-Western Educational Research Association (MWERA), the University Teachers’ Association of Ghana (UTAG) and the Ghana Association of Educational Planners and Administrators (GAEPA).