Might Kojo Abreh is an educational planner and the Head of Grants and Consultancy at the Institute for Educational Planning and Administration (IEPA), a UNESCO Category II Centre of Excellence at the University of Cape Coast (UCC), Ghana.
Before taking on this role, Might had been a Research Fellow both at the Institute of Education (IoE) and Centre for Educational Research, Evaluation and Development (CERED), and currently doubles as a Senior Research Fellow in IEPA. He has worked for the University of Cape Coast in various capacities for 15 years where he has led in winning, managing and reporting grants, consultancy and technical assistance activities on behalf of the University. In addition, he is a Visiting Fellow to the Centre for Global Development. His experience in teaching; research; innovation and development; outreach and community development, as well as experience serving on boards and committees at national and international levels among other things has afforded him the expertise and experience in grants, technical services and consultancy that are strategic to IEPA’s operations and existence.
Might holds a PhD in Educational Planning from the University of Nairobi, MPhil in Educational Planning and Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics Education from the University of Cape Coast. Beyond these qualifications, Might has long-standing practical know-how in institutional and individual grants and consultancy portfolio development and management. Might has subsequently acquired important leadership, communication, teaching, research, creative, technical, supportive, organizational and resourceful acumen to effectively and efficiently undertake his roles, particularly within IEPA’s current vision and mission as a UNESCO Category II Institute. Might seeks to bring this background to IEPA in order to attract, retain and grow the Institute’s overall grants, technical services and consultancy wallet.
Prof. Abreh has either led or supported several research, development and technical activities for both national and international level including the World Bank; JICA; Centre for Global Development; Open University, UK; New York University, UNICEF, UNESCO – IIEP, KOICA Ghana, Ministry of Education Ghana, Ghana Education Service, Colleges of Education among others.
Impactfully, works of Prof. Abreh has led to the development of Research Agenda for Secondary Education Sector for Ghana, and redefinition of the Out-Of-School Children discourse in Ghana.
Prof. Abreh serves on the research and development committee of the National School Inspectorate Authority (NaSIA), the Internationalization sub-committee of the University of Cape Coast, and coordinates linkages that University of Cape Coast has with Open University, UK; Centre for Global Developments; University of Nairobi, Teacher Education in Sub-Saharan Africa (TESSA).