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The Journal of Educational Management (JEM) is a peer-reviewed journal published yearly in two volumes by the Institute for Educational Planning and Administration (IEPA), University of Cape Coast. The first volume is published in June, and the second, in November. JEM is dedicated to increasing the depth of the subject across disciplines in the area of Educational Management with the ultimate aim of expanding knowledge of the subject.

The journal welcomes the submission of manuscripts that meet the general criteria of significance and scientific excellence.

Our objective is to inform authors of the decision on their manuscript(s) within four weeks of submission. Following acceptance, a paper will normally be published in the next issue. The JEM, with special focus on Educational Planning, Leadership, management and Administration, will publish manuscripts in the following areas:

  •  Theoretical expositions
  • Critical analysis of educational management policies
  • Reports on empirical research in educational planning, leadership and management
  •  Innovative ideas about educational policy formulation and implementation
  • Studies of comparative educational management system
  • Reports of practical application of educational management models
  • Review of research and practice in educational management models

Instruction for Authors

Technical and Stylistic Requirements

  1. Manuscripts should be 10 to 20 pages in length.
  2. Report of original research should consist of distinct sections and should appear in the sequence of these stages: Introduction, Method, Result and Discussion.
  3. Article should be accompanied with an Abstract of not more than 150 words in length, typed on a separate page. Brief Reports/Comments need no abstract.
  4. A maximum of 6 keywords should be included in the article directly after the abstract.
  5. The title should clearly reflect the main theme, issue or position discussed in the article with a maximum of 15 words.
  6. To ensure anonymity in the reviewing process the body of the paper should bear only the title of the paper on the front page as a means of identification. Authors are to attach to each manuscript a cover page indicating the title, authors’ names, professional status and/or responsibility post, institutional affiliation and addresses (Email/postal).
  7. Tables, diagrams, graphs and figures should be in the appropriate places in the body of the paper.
  8. Authors should adhere strictly to the style in the seventh edition of the publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA).
  9. The list of cited references for Articles should appear at the end of the paper. They should include the author’s name(s), year of publication, title of publication, the volume and or page number(s), URL or DOI and the publisher.
  10. Explanatory footnotes should be used sparingly. They are to be indicated in the text by superscripted numbers preceding the reference page. The footnotes should be listed in sequence at the end of the paper.





     The Editor
     Journal of Educational Management
     Institute for Educational Planning and Administration
     University of Cape Coast
     Cape Coast, Ghana